Whatever your starting point my speciality is tailoring a health, fitness & nutrition plan to work around your life & give you an exact blueprint for guaranteed success.
I'll meet you where you are currently at & we will go from there.
One small step at a time.
Its also my goal to educate you along the way so you know what works & why so you'll always be in control of your health, fat loss & fitness goals
I specialise in 40+ health & fitness & improving the quality of life into older age so you can live longer & be more capable & resilient into old age.
If that sounds good to you then we should chat
I work with local people, in person as well as online from all over the world. Check out what some of them have to say...
"I've been a member for about 6 months & the difference is unbelievable, I've done different programs in the past but what made simon stand out is the continued support"
"Without your encouragement & accountability I would never of gotten this far. So far i have lost 12kg & its the lightest I've been since i got married"
"The program that simon has given me to follow has been really successful for me, I've actually lost just over a stone in weight"
"I've always felt that I was too tired, too unfit, lethargic & stressed out with work but since working with simon I've got greater personal confidence & feeling a lot less stressed"
"Im so overjoyed in he results I've had so far. I've achieved so much more than I thought I ever could. I've especially lost inches on my hips & waist "
"Ive actually managed to lose 36lbs so far, my body fat has gone down by 10% & my biggest problem area is my waist which is down by 4 inches"
"I've dropped a dress size & definitely toned up & as a bonus lost cellulite so I'm feeling a lot better about myself & its the best exercise program I've ever done"
"Since working with simon I've not only lost weight but I've been able to maintain it. I look forward to coming to the sessions, every one is different & varied & I'm so much more confident, healthier & stronger"